#but i mean can you honestly find a better character for this that isn't Cardin or a villain
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andreal831 · 6 months ago
i've been reading your metas and i just love them! i wanted to ask if you had thoughts on valerie and nadia as they were some of my favorite characters from later seasons of TVD and i was shocked to learn that people dislike them (especially valerie!).
also, i read one of your cami metas and i agree that it was so dumb she died when she clearly had more story to go. s5 especially drove me up a wall because i think TO s4 would've worked to set up Legacies. they didn't need to kill hayley and i was so annoyed that they brought caroline in. cami being the angel on his shoulder in the finale should have been utizilied more.
also legacies erasure of hayley as hope's primary parent drove me up a wall and is a cardinal sin of that show. i am starting to suspect phoebe and the show people had a falling out of some kind because legacies barely mentions her. at least freya gets some cute moments (freya being the one to put hope to sleep for transition is beautiful)
Thank you for reading my posts! I'm glad you like them!
I'm not even surprised people don't like Valerie and Nadia. They are both complex women but not in the "Katherine-badass-way" per se. I've talked about before how the writers and fandom tend to only like one type of strong woman and hate on women who dare to be anything else, you can find that here. Valerie also has the unfortunate role of playing a character that challenged a Caroline ship.
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I personally really enjoyed Valerie's character and didn't understand how they didn't bring her back or at least mention her since she was the last known syphoner, except for actual children. I like to imagine she's the one Hayley found when she was saving the Mikaelsons. I'll admit, when she first came on screen, she wasn't my favorite. I didn't care for the heretics initially, but they really grew on me which is a testament to the writing/acting.
Valerie goes through so much, being forced to miscarry and killed, then forced to live and travel with the man who made her lose her baby. She is then stuck with a family she doesn't really like or agree with. When she is finally reunited with the man she loved, he is in love with someone else. Despite all of this, Valerie still protects Caroline on numerous occasions and helps deliver her babies.
I didn't like that she kept information from Stefan, not giving him the choice on his life, because she didn't want to lose him. But I can understand it. She had lost everyone at that point and didn't want to be alone.
I think she really was just underutilized in TVD and people didn't like her for getting in the way of Steroline. I can't really find legitimate complaints about her. Most of the hate posts for her come across as immature. I haven't seen one post that talks bad about Valerie that isn't clearly a Care stan (and this is coming from someone who loves Care and Steroline). Valerie never did anything worse than most of the fan faves, but because her actions are ones associated with women more than men (less stabbing and more emotional manipulation), the fandom judges her for it. According to the fandom, she would have been better of running Care through with a coat rack. Oddly enough, Caroline and Valerie aren't that different.
I can't even think of a reason to hate Nadia. I even searched for people hating on her and can't find it. I definitely believe you that it exists, but what is there to hate? That she loved her mother so much she chased after her for 500 years? That when she found her, she was treated terribly but still protected her? She was a good character and deserved better than Katherine.
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Speaking of overhated, amazing women. I'm tagging the post I think you are talking about here. I would have honestly been fine with everyone still dying but Cami living and taking care of Hope at the school. A vampire therapist is really what that school needed, especially one as amazing as Cami. I mean if you can handle Klaus Mikaelson, I think she can handle teenagers.
Season 5 just showed that the writers didn't care about the story, they wanted rankings to launch Legacies. What was the point of having Care there? She wasn't even in Legacies until the very end. It just undid so much character development for everyone. The writers attempted to play both ships (they did the same with haylijah/jayley) to get maximum fan satisfaction, and in the end it just destroyed the plot.
Legacies erasing Hope's family is a big reason I've never watched more than half of season 1. Whether you love them or hate them, Hope's family is more than just Klaus and they played a big role in her life. Especially to her since Klaus was hardly around. He was essentially a stranger to her. I hated even in Season 5 how they are all happy at Freelin's wedding. If my mom had just been murdered, I wouldn't have been able to smile two days later, no matter how much I loved my Aunts. Hayley was just used as a prop in Season 5 and even less in Legacies.
I first watched a couple of episodes of Legacies before watching The Originals and I thought Hayley died years before Klaus because of how Hope was grieving Klaus but seemed to not even think of her mom. When I watched all of TO, I was so angry. They died days apart and Hope seemed to be completely over it.
There's definitely rumors about Phoebe and the writers having issues. I tend not to believe rumors but there's a lot of evidence. First, Daniel couldn't shut up about the issues he and the other casts were having with the writers (namely the character destruction, the rush of the seasons, the fact that there was supposed to be 6 full seasons, and bringing on outside characters which took away their screen time). This is even more evident by the fact that Phoebe was a "guest" in Season 5. She clearly didn't want to be there.
I believe it was DRR who stated that Phoebe refused to allow her likeness to be used and the fandom ran with the idea that Phoebe somehow bought the rights of Hayley (she did not, that would be public record). I think this angered the writers/producers even more so they went out of their way to cut Hayley out, even when it wasn't necessary. They clearly could mention her, since they did. But they chose not to because they are petty. They also have the whole fandom blaming Phoebe so they could just sit back and enjoy it.
Thanks for bringing all of this up. I love talking about TVDU women <333
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bulletbilltime · 2 years ago
Pikmin 4 verdict: Ok this is gonna be the best game in the series isn't it
Stray thoughts below:
The caves are... actually interesting and well designed?? no more half-assed roguelike random cave attempts (sorry pik2 fans but that game's caves just cannot compete IMO)
That being said... I'm a bit disappointed so far that we're only seeing the same styles of caves as Pik2. They do look gorgeous though, mind you.
Industrial Maze was such a cool cave, simply by virtue of actually having a proper puzzle it's already my favourite cave in the series not named Submerged Castle.
Oatchi my beloved!!! he actually works way better with the game flow than I expected when I first saw him in the trailer. He doesn't feel too overpowered; he's basically an upgradable super pikmin but he doesn't ever particularly feel like he truly outshines the actual Pikmin. (Maybe he could if he gets all the upgrades but
The 20 pikmin in the overworld thing might feel super limiting after being used to squads of 100 piks in the previous games... But honestly I think it's a very inspired design choice! It makes it so the early game stuff can still wreck your shit if you're not careful. You can't just easily roll up with a squad of 100 piks on day 3 and destroy everything in your path. It allows for your in-game character to become progressively more powerful which I think is more satisfying in the long run
I love how you don't just automatically get the onion upon finding new Pikmin types. Makes them feel more precious. Basically: the wild pikmin mechanic is really neat! And it could allow for the return of Purple/Whites without feeling too unbalanced.
"Olimar is the fuckin leaf boy" basically confirmed. Question is: what's with Moss? My current theory is parasite pikmin are involved.
And speaking of... the wild pikmin mechanic means we could possibly get overworld bulbmin if they add them... if this happens, I imagine the entire fandom will go nuclear (in a good way)
If you look through the controls, the Form Line controls basically confirms that you will obtain some form of SWARMING as an upgrade!!! C-STICK FANS REJOICE (The text mentions cardinal directions only but I feel like the odds are high that you will be able to actually swarm your crew with this mechanic. I'd say 70-30 odds of it being true. Don't quote me on that. But if true, then fuck yeah)
Honeywisp is back 🥹
Collecting raw material is so much fun, and
I feel like this game is really leaning on fan service, but also manages to balance it with new things to make it feel fresh!
Someone said it felt like all 3 previous games mashed together and yeah I absolutely get that feeling
Very disappointed that they only have the co-op star bits thing. This game in genuine co-op would rule.
So far the music of the game doesn't quite strike me quite as strongly as the themes from the previous games. Hopefully this will change with time.
Is this game like... an alternate timeline to Pikmin 1? Moss was definitely NOT in Pikmin 1, and the story segment seems to hint that Olimar met Moss during that first crash... Giving the "bad ending" theorists more food IMO.......
This game really, really drags out the wait between Y/N landing on the planet and the first Pikmin huh. It felt a bit too much that you went through the first cave before even getting a single pikmin IMO.
I really like the crew in this game!! They're fun, though they do talk a lot and I could see that bothering some ppl.
Honestly I was super disappointed when I thought there were only 6 crewmates to find in the entire game... but then I found the first castaway and I was back to being excited
I like that you have a little base to meet ppl and discuss tasks!
One of the castaways I saved wrote notes on the Treasures I collected. This implies that we will probably get a biologist who will make notes on the creatures 👀
TL;DR: July 21st can't get here fast enough. The 2 hours or so I've played of this game is already my GOTY and it could genuinely challenge for GOAT (game of all time) if it sticks the landing with the rest of the game.
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cyrilofficial · 3 years ago
"Neptune, you're a textbook narcissist!"
"Oh please... I am an exceptional narcissist, Sun."
More incorrect RWBY bc I'm bored and I've been rewatching community
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